Frequently Asked Questions
What is Travel Money?
Travel Money helps you while traveling by managing the expenses of a group of people, using different currencies.
How does it work?
For each expense done, a participant either pays (so the group owes ihm) or/and takes a share of the costs (he owes the group).
During the trip, the app sums up all payments and costs of each participant, letting you know at any time who owes and owns the group.
At the end of the trip, the easiest way to settle is to put the money on a table: the participants with “depts” giving, the participants with “credit” taking the according amount of money.
The whole concept is based on the principles of the double-entry bookkeeping system.
What is the easiest way to use it?
The recommanded way to use it is to let a different participant pay for the whole group every time there is an expense. At the end of the trip, settle by putting the money on a table: either put money in the pot if you own the group, or take money from it if the group owes you.
How do I add participants?
Just press the add participant button:

How do I create a new trip?
Open the side drawer by pressing the app icon, and press the plus button:

How do I share a trip with my friends?
Open the side drawer by pressing the app icon, and press the share button. Start your email app and send the email to the participants. By clicking the link in the email, your friends can join the trip:

How do I add payments?
On the participant list, simply press the participant who pays. You will enter the payment view where you can enter the payment details.
Can more than one participant pay?
Yes, any participant can participate to an expense. You can enter more the one participant by using the add participant button in the payment view:

How do I change the date and time of a payment?
You can change the date and time by using the options of the edit payment view:

One participant is a couple or has a kid, can he “cost” more?
You can do define a split ratio per participant by long-pressing the participant and choosing “split ratio”. For example, a couple with a kid would have a ratio of 2.5:

Can I remove a participant from the group?
Long-press the participant and choose “hide participant”. If the participant still has depts or credit, a new windows will prompt you to settle. You can always unhide hidden participants in the settings.
Can I temporarily deactivate a participant?
Long-press the participant and choose “deactivate participant”. Once deactivated, the partipant will still show in the list but will not participate to expense splits.
Where do the exchange rates come from?
The exchange rates are downloaded directly from the European Central Bank. They update once a day at about 14:00 CET. You can update your exchange rates by pressing the refresh button in the exchange rates view. You can add your own custom currency with the plus button:

How can I change my home currency?
You can choose your home currency in the currency view:

How can I customize the currencies?
Customize currencies by long-pressing the currency. Offline currencies will not be updated when you hit the refresh button – you will have to update them manually.
How can I customize the categories?
Long-press a category to edit its name, or press the plus button to add a new category.
How can I use the excel export?
On the statistics tab, hit the mail button. A csv-file will be attached to the mail. This file can be imported in Excel by choosing “open with…” -> “Microsoft Excel”. Choose the comma (,) as delimiter. If you have troubles with characters not being displayed correctly, choose “UTF-8” as the encoding.
How do I delete a trip
Select the trip you want to delete. Enter the left-side navigation by clicking the Travel Money app icon on the top left. Choose ‘delete trip’ to remove it. Please note that the app requires at least one trip, so the option to delete it will not show if there is only one trip.

Where did the map go?
The map has been removed with version 2.2.1, and has been replaced with a location picker. The map used an old library, with has been deprecated by Google and was not supported on newer android versions.
How does the backup to SD Card work?
This function has been removed with version 2.3.5. The recommended way to make backups is to use the sync-function.
How does Google Cloud Backup work?
This function has been removed with version 2.3.5. The recommended way to make backups is to use the sync-function.
Where did the maps go?
I had to remove the maps with version 2.5.0. Google starts charging 0.03 USD for each Maps API request, which sums up to about 7500 USD a month in my case. Travel Money is a hobby, and of course I’m not willing to pay this huge amount out of my own pocket. I had no other choice but to remove Google Maps API.
Can I help translate the app?
Yes! I’m always looking for nice people helping me translate the app. Please contact me by email or have a look at: TravelMoney on